Winter...those were the first words of my Sacred Dance Ritual that my
troupe and friends presented for Winter Solstice. The performance was
exceptional.Of course there were technical challenges, I had to forgo
the video portion of the show just so we could continue on with the
presentation, but none of that seemed to matter. So briefly, from the
beginning...I was inspired by some music, some fabric and glitter and
from the season, to write a sacred dance drama. At the time it kept
swirling around in my head, but I had no place to perform it. I had
asked a couple of groups if they were interested, but to no avail. I
asked my soul sister if it was crazy to write, choreograph and design a
piece that had no where to go...and she encouraged me to just go ahead
and do it.
images, words, and everything just flowed from me. I was so delighted
being a channel for the Beloved's creativity. I asked one more group if
they were interested and they said, "YES!" Now we had a place, date and
time. We were to perform for the CUUPS group at the local UU Church for
their Winter Solstice. I learned how to do voice-overs, edit music,
export to other programs and add vidoe backgrounds. I had so much fun. I
chose to include my dancers spouses in the drama and they were more
than willing to perform. We had our Holly King, the Spirit of Fire, the
Spirit of Frost, the Summer Queen, our live percussionist and I was the
Winter Queen. We had very limited time to rehearse all together, but I
didn't let that stop me. I really had to put aside ego and perfectionism
and just trust that my dancers would be able to receive my vision and
do their parts to make it come to fruition. What a wonderful gift I was
purchased props and fabric...a torch, flameless candles, a holly head
wreath(made by yours truly), sparkly swathing, stars, a giant yellow
balloon, and the list goes on...
evening of the performance, I went and had my make-up done. I find that
this helps me to get into character...designing the look with a
pro...and then watching as I am transformed from my mundane self to my
sacred self. As we added glitter, shimmer and jewels...I felt myself
becoming icy, cold, still, silent, and introspective like the winter
went home and started putting on my costume...blue, white and silver.
It made me think of the North East where I grew up. The gray-blue of the
cold winter sky, the silvery shiny lake all frozen over, and the pure
white blanket of snow you could see when arising at dawn.
arrived at the church one by one. Slowly adding to the excitement. Some
of us decorated the stage with glittering fabric, snowflakes and stars.
Others just decorated each other.
took our places at the back of the sanctuary as our guest where
welcomed in and seated as most of the lights were off. As the music
began and the words "Welcome Winter" were spoken, I felt all of our
energies joining as one.
was center stage with drum, feathers, sage...purifying and casting the
sacred space in which we were to dance. We processed up the aisles and
took the stage. As soon as my foot touched the stage I was transported
out of time and space. Beauty, joy, and inspiration flowed. There was
poetry, music, song and dance. I can't say what happened next. We were
just purely in the moment...giving our gifts. It was magical to be a
part of it. Later, many people from the audience said it had been so
magical for them, that they had felt transformed, transported, that it
had been an experience. I really felt as though my gift and vision had
been fully received.
this process I learned to let go of expectations, to create just for
the joy of creating, to trust that the opportunity to share my gifts
would come and to become vulnerable with my vision and trust my dancers'
abilities to co-create with me.
you become aware of the gifts and opportunities that are present and
may you share them with yourself and others during this Season of Light.
Blessings of Beauty, Joy, Loving, Light and Compassion,
Saahira Ruhi
Saahira Ruhi
by Lee Corkett
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
The Blanket Lady and the Re-emergence of Hope
First of all, let me say, not everything all the time is about belly dance. Whew, strange words coming from my lips.Of course having said that, I'm sure dance will show up somewhere in this story.
So, this morning on my way to work, I saw her...or at least I thought it was her. The Blanket Lady, wrapped from head to feet in a white blanket, standing on the corner waiting to cross the street. I started to cry. I remembered when I first saw her, over 30 years ago, when I moved to California. She was usually walking, often barefoot, through the streets of Riverside. I asked my new friends who she was and all they would say is, "she's the blanket lady." No one knew who she was, how long she'd been around, or where she came from.
One day, she was sitting in the Quad of RCC, where I was going to college. I sat down near here and looked into her face. I said hello. She often had a 'crazy' look on her face, perhaps a woman's only protection when living on the streets. I looked past this and into her eyes. She softened in my gaze. I asked her how she was doing and she said okay. I shook my head and said, me too. I said goodbye and walked away not wanting to overstay my welcome. This went on for several weeks, everyday staying a little longer, talking about the weather or any other 'safe' topic. One day, I don't know what came over me, I looked deep into her eyes and touched her hand. Again she softened and trembled slightly. Again I asked how she was doing. This time she answered more fully. She told me about her losses, people, places and things. She told me she liked 'be-ing' in Riverside because the weather was good and nobody really bothered her. She said that sometimes the people were nice and gave her things. She had had several pairs of shoes over the years and sometimes received a new blanket. She seemed grateful for life and the few possessions that she had. And for having someone that wanted to listen to her. Perhaps she recognized that when I looked into her eyes and our gazes met, I knew that I was looking into the eyes of Spirit.
I don't remember if it was that year or the next that I changed my major from Art to Psychology. I know that my life got pretty busy around then, working and going to school full-time. The next year I would get pregnant, lose my job and even have my own experience of brief (2 1/2 months) homelessness.
I graduated University with a BA in Psychology and began my career working with the Severely and Persistently Mentally Ill. I worked in a clinic setting doing groups in a day treatment program. I loved my clients and was always impressed with their flexibility and presence. Sometimes I would become discouraged when I would look for progress and it seemed so microscopic. I wondered if I was even making a difference. Then one day I realized that my client, who for the first 3 years that I worked there, only came in the building for 'coffee time', was coming in and staying. One day, I decided to have the clients play some music and dance with my during 'coffee time'. I handed out bells, drums, triangles, whatever we had on hand. And I asked this particular client to dance with me. He rocked back and forth to the rhythm, relaxing into it. We made no physical contact, but connected through our gaze. Once again, I recognized tat I was in the presence of Spirit. It was Divine. Everyday, for the next 2 years, he would come in and ask me to 'baile', motioning with his two fingers 'dancing' on the open palm of his other hand. No longer was he spending his day standing outside at the corner of the building, eating from the dumpster. He was a part of something greater. Music and dance can save the world!
Even though I was working out of Riverside, I would still drive through town sometimes and think of the Blanket Lady. By then I had already discovered the gifts of belly dance and had been dancing for a few years. It helped me deal with stress, open myself to new levels of self loving, and heal my own wounds.
In early 2000 I danced in a dance drama with Kahena's troupe, Banaat Al Qamar. It used some imagery from the group Women in Black and I brought the ideas of that group into my own community. We started a weekly silent vigil, all dressed in black, on the front steps of our public library. We held signs and gave out information on the plight of women ad children during times of war. It just so happened to be at the same day and time that the church across the street served dinner to the homeless. On several occasions, we would be joined by a few of the local homeless women who seemed proud to be a part of something that illuminated the suffering of women and children during the times of war. It reminded me of the talks I had once had with the Blanket Lady and how just being willing to listen with my heart could bring peace to another human being. It also reminded me of how engaging people in a meaningful way can elevate someones consciousness from the endless thoughts of daily survival to being part of something greater than oneself, to becoming an agent of social change. It's powerful thing to witness.
So today, as I was driving to work, thinking of how it was already December 1st and all the things I needed to accomplish, I had my miracle. From out of nowhere, a ghost from the past appeared, and the Blanket Lady was standing on that corner. I was overcome with gratitude for the life that I have been given, the lessons of infinite unbearable compassion that I have learned, and the opportunities that are present in every day for sharing Loving and Light with the world.
The next time that you snuggle up in a soft, warm blanket...think of the Blanket Lady and of her Blessings of Hope, Gratitude and Transformation.
Peace and Loving,
Saahira Ruhi
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